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June 23, 2016 - Small Business

SBA Rule Changes Benefit Contractors, But Pitfalls Remain

After much anticipation, the Small Business Administration has issued a final rule implementing numerous small business contracting reforms from the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act aimed at relaxing burdensome requirements and eliminating duplicative reporting. Overall, the new regulations are favorable to contractors, increasing contracting opportunities for small business through clearly defining limitations on subcontracting and the application of the nonmanufacturer rule and eased affiliation rules, especially for joint ventures. The rule also clearly defines and limits the scope of familial affiliation. The harsh penalties for limitations on subcontracting violations that were required by the NDAA and included in the proposed rule, however, remain. The new rules go into effect June 30, 2016.

Please see the full article as published by Law360.

Reprinted with permission.