The latest updates and analysis from Morrison Foerster
September 25, 2019 - Data Rights, Intellectual Property

MoForward 2020 Sneak Peek: Taking the Mystery Out of IP in Other Transactions

FedPubs Intellectual Property Series (June 16-30)

Mark your calendars for MoFo’s third annual MoForward program, which will be held once again at the Ritz Carlton Tysons Corner, on November 5.

MoFo partner Jay DeVecchio and associate Locke Bell will cover IP rights, specifically as they pertain to “other transactions” (OTs). The use of OTs are becoming more popular, especially within the Department of Defense (DOD). This allows DOD and its contractors to avoid many of the most burdensome aspects of the procurement regulations. But it also allows for even more confusion than usual about how to handle intellectual property rights, particularly rights in technical data and computer software, because there are no “standard” IP clauses for OTs.

Jay and Locke will address the most commonly raised IP issues in OTs and offer clear, practical advice for contractors.

See below for Jay and Locke’s recent publications on IP rights:

  • DOD’S Other Transactions: Data Rights & Intellectual Property Simplified (Thomson Reuters Briefing Papers, July 2019)
  • Sikorsky: What the GAO Said and Did Not Say About Soliciting Data Rights (Government Contracts Insights, 5/30/2019
  • GAO Continues to Expand the Scope of “Prototypes” DoD May Buy Through OTs (Government Contracts Insights, 3/4/2019)
  • Data Rights Assault: What in the H (clause) Is Going On Here? Air Force Overreaching on OMIT Data (The Government Contractor, 1/17/2018)