The latest updates and analysis from Morrison Foerster
January 09, 2019 - False Claims Act

MoFo Partner Alex Ward Speaking at ACI Forum on False Claims and Qui Tam Enforcement

MoForecast Podcast: Predictions on the False Claims Act (FCA)

On January 29, 2019, Morrison & Foerster Government Contracts Co-Chair Alex Ward will be speaking at ACI’s 6th Annual Advanced Forum on False Claims and Qui Tam Enforcement at the Park Lane Hotel in New York, NY.

His panel, “Effectively Negotiating False Claims Act Settlements: Developing Strategies to Reach a Favorable Agreement with the Government,” will cover strategies employed by defense and relator’s counsel to achieve favorable settlements in both intervened and non-intervened FCA cases. Along with his co-panelist, Alex will discuss:

  • Evaluating key provisions in FCA settlement agreements to fit your company’s circumstances
  • Reviewing the implications of the recent tax reform law (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017) deductibility provisions on FCA settlements
  • Understanding discounts provided when negotiating settlements and what the DOJ considers “cooperation”